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Podobné filmy jako Kočár nejsvětější svátosti

A Hole in the Head

A Hole in the Head

A Hole in the Head

1959 | Komedie

Hrají: Frank Sinatra, Eddie Hodges, Edward G. Robinson, Eleanor Parker, Thelma Ritter, Carolyn Jones, Keenan Wynn, Dub Taylor, Joi Lansing, Connie Sawyer, Ruby Dandridge

 62 %   

Hotelový poslíček

Hotelový poslíček

The Bellboy

1960 | Komedie

Hrají: Jerry Lewis, Alex Gerry, Bob Clayton, Sonnie Sands, Eddie Shaeffer, Herkie Styles, David Landfield, Bill Richmond, Larry Best, Jack Durant, Maxie Rosenbloom

 65 %   

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Girls! Girls! Girls!

Girls! Girls! Girls!

Girls! Girls! Girls!

1962 | Komedie

Hrají: Elvis Presley, Stella Stevens, Jeremy Slate, Laurel Goodwin, Benson Fong, Robert Strauss, Guy Lee, Frank Puglia, Lily Valenty, Beulah Quo, Ginny Tiu

 55 %   

Roztržitý sanitář

Roztržitý sanitář

The Disorderly Orderly

1964 | Komedie

Hrají: Jerry Lewis, Glenda Farrell, Karen Sharpe, Susan Oliver, Everett Sloane, Kathleen Freeman, Del Moore, Alice Pearce, Milton Frome, Jack E. Leonard, Barbara Nichols

 64 %   

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The Errand Boy

1961 | Komedie

Hrají: Jerry Lewis, Brian Donlevy, Howard McNear, Dick Wesson, Kathleen Freeman, Robert Ivers, Pat Dahl, Renée Taylor, Rita Hayes, Stanley Adams, Isobel Elsom

 64 %   

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The Patsy

1964 | Komedie

Hrají: Jerry Lewis, Ina Balin, Everett Sloane, Phil Harris, Keenan Wynn, Peter Lorre, John Carradine

 62 %   

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The Family Jewels

The Family Jewels

The Family Jewels

1965 | Komedie

Hrají: Jerry Lewis, Donna Butterworth, Sebastian Cabot, Neil Hamilton, Jay Adler, Anne Baxter, Robert Strauss, Jesslyn Fax, Renie Riano, Herbie Faye, Norman Leavitt

 61 %   

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Krásné šílenství

Krásné šílenství

A Fine Madness

1966 | Komedie

Hrají: Sean Connery, Joanne Woodward, Jean Seberg, Colleen Dewhurst, Jackie Coogan, Patrick O'Neal, Clive Revill, Werner Peters, John Fiedler, Kay Medford, Zohra Lampert

 56 %   

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Don't Give Up the Ship

Don't Give Up the Ship

Don't Give Up the Ship

1959 | Komedie

Hrají: Jerry Lewis, Dina Merrill, Diana Spencer, Mickey Shaughnessy, Robert Middleton, Gale Gordon, Mabel Albertson, Claude Akins, Hugh Sanders, Richard Shannon, Chuck Wassil

 64 %